Thursday, November 16, 2006

The Value of Pastors

I have just spent two days in Valdosta, the city where I have lived recently for 15 years. The most valuable time in the last two days - having lunch with Pastor Doug Brown, pastor of the Rock Church. He was my pastor and 'boss' for four years. He is a prince of a man.
It was great to sit down with him and review the last two and a half months and be challenged, inspired and encouraged to be a good man and a good pastor. His wisdom exceeds anything I have ever seen.

Just thinking. . . four years ago when he came to Valdosta, I knew God was sending him to our church so that I could learn the art of leadership and pastoring. After four years, I learned more than I could imagine. It was more visual than verbal. I saw a man who with much humility and care took care of a church. I assume you can say I caught it than was taught it.

I could go on and on about how much he what he has taught me, but it goes with the value I have is "I love the local church." Everyone needs to have a shepherd. Even pastors need a shepherd - someone who will love them and teach them and sometime chastise them. We value to highly on guest speakers, evangelist, and dynamic conference speakers, but we devalue the most valuable - the local pastor. They are the ones who I think will be 'greatly rewarded' in heaven.