Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Paramount's Second Monthly Service

We are so excited about the way Paramount is going. We began the ConnectionCafe this past month. A lot of beverages and snacks. We began providing Bibles to those who may not own one. We focused this past month on hospitality. We have a ways to go on all areas of Paramount Church but we are going great.

Here are some comments by some who attended and did not attend:

"Wow! That was your second service?" Attender

"The music!?!?!?" Attender

"I wish you could do a live feed to where I am going to be at!"
An attender who was with his wife in the hospital. He attended last month and really wanted to be there this month.

"I saw the sign the other day while driving down Highway 138." From a lady we were talking to at a local restaurant on Sunday. Props to our marketing team!

All glory goes to the Father who has blessed us with incredible people, incredible passion and incredible power! The best is yet to come. . .