Sunday, September 30, 2007

Kickball Game of Life

The ball, originally uploaded by santheo.

After three weeks of teaching on 'Baggage,' I trend began to develop. I began noticing most of the baggage we carry as adults began in our emotional, social, and physical development as children. Addictions most likely began as children in secret corners looking at things we should have not been. Smoking things we should have not been. Drinking things out of cabinets which should have been kept locked and now as adults, those things that robbed us of our childhood now rob us of our adulthood.
When teaching on Emotional Baggage and being the kind of teacher who uses things to drive home various points, I began thinking of what attributes to the ways we as adults relate to emotional problems. One thought I had was the power of the kickball. Just the thought of a kickball makes me sweat, but playing kickball as a child prefaces how we deal with situations in our adult life. Picked at any time in the game except last brings feelings of acceptance. Picked last and ugh! Feelings of not being wanted, rejection, and disappointment can fill your soul to the point of despair.

As adults, we go through life's kickball games. Except with red thing that is kicked is not a rubber ball, it is the heart. Our hearts are kicked by family, friends, spouses, colleagues, and sometimes by people we don't really know. How we respond should not be to hang our heads down and be disappointed but know that we are IN CHRIST! If we are IN CHRIST, we are forgiven, free, and secure. Our existence is IN HIM. IN HIM, as the Bible declares, we live and move and have our being. We are no longer our own, but we have been bought and paid for by Christ's blood. Allow the life of Christ red blood fill our hearts where the pain of not being picked by Life's red hot kickball games has been. Walk in the freedom of knowing who we are and Whose we are!

Declare today that no more will you walk with your head held down but you will hold it up high because you are IN HIM and you are living the paramount life!