Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Taking Risk

For months, I have felt the strong desire to provide breakfast for the people at Living Waters and those who live in our community.  I didn't really know when to start it, how to begin, or where to go to see it begin. I just knew this was something we needed to do.

A couple of weeks ago on a Sunday when I going going to speak about the importance of serving others, I woke up with the strong feeling to go ahead and announce that we were going to begin somehow providing breakfast.

I never want to go before anyone without a plan.  Though I am not the best at organization, I try my best to provide details, point leaders, and ways which a vision will be accomplished.  This was different.  I economic times in which we live, I knew we needed to do this and God was strongly impressing me to go ahead and do it.

I leaped that Sunday.  I took a risk and shared my vision.  I also shared that I didn't know how we were going to do it but we were going to do it.  And that is where God stepped in!

Since making that announcement, many have brought breakfast items to the church in order to add to our weekly menu.  Local businesses have made financial contributions to our endeavor.  Most importantly, there is an air of excitement and anticipation for what God is going to do for the families of Living Waters, our guest, and our community.

Dare to take risk.  Living by faith sometimes mean when God says go, you have to go.  He will supply our needs.  He has got everything under control.  Step forward and watch God, our God of the impossible, make things simply possible!