The night before, I began writing every principle and/or value that I could share with them that I use in leadership. Here is the list that I brought:
- Your inferiorities will always show.
- Your inferiorities make you and you team weak.
- You will always be offended when someone gets close to your inferiorities.
- Weaknesses and inferiorities are two different things. Surround yourself with people who has strengths where you are weak.
- Fight for unity
- Communicate as much as you can verbally
- Email the positives. Verbalize the negatives.
- Correct privately. Praise publicly.
- Celebrate often.
- Pray hard.
- Work hard.
- Play hard.
- No gossiping.
- I will always go to the person who I have issues with.
- You can disagree with being disagreeable or difficult
- You will never always have your way.
- Keep all cards on table. Hiding is wrong.
- Excellence is our minimum standard.
- No problem moving people with weakness to their strengths.
- I will never make everyone happy.
- My mission is to do what is right. Not to make a few happy.
- MLK Quote: it is always the right time to do the right thing. So always do the right thing.
- I know who I am. I am not who others say I am.
- Gossippers and dividers immediately fired. That cancer will never survive.
- People are more important than people.