Friday, December 22, 2006


Every year about this time, I always do a little bit of inventory before going into the new year. One thing I have really enjoyed has been the creation of and the constant blogging I have done. It is really great to throw things out there on the web which I think will be beneficial to church leaders and to the believers. It is a way to just get things out.

I have always thought those nice leather journals in the bookstore were great. I have over the years bought several of them. I have more journals than written journal pages. Writing that way just never clicked. I just couldn't get going.

When my oldest son was away for five months and the only way we could correspond was by writing snail mail, I always typed the letters because personally it was faster. Journaling through blogging is faster and it organizes everything for you.

Journaling is not for everyone and neither is blogging, but if you have something you think is important for others to know, blog it. You will never know how much of an effect you will have on others by your writings.