Friday, September 07, 2012

Our Church

At Living Waters, there are no big or small people, no rich or poor, no race or nation.   We are the Kingdom of God who are destined to change Atlanta!  I am proud of our leadership and the people of Living Waters.  They pray hard.  They give hard.  They serve hard.  They love hard.

They love God and they love others.  They place people first because people are the ones who make up  our church - not brick and mortar.  The poor and the homeless serve right beside doctors, nurses, and other professionals.  Together, we are the Kingdom of God.  

Our campus has a long way to go to be impressive.  I use the word 'impressive' not because we want to build a nice facility for ourselves.  We want to build a nice facility for our guest - who will later become owners at Living Waters.

Our city is not one that people flock to but we believe people will flock to what God is doing in our church.  Can anything good come out of Riverdale? YES!  Its that church, our church, Living Waters!  People will come and know that God is here and be amazed, saved, delivered, and healed.

We are the body of Christ.  We are the called and the chosen to change Atlanta forever!